We live in turbulent times. Constantly new and faster changes in the general conditions mean additional challenges for globally but also regionally operating managers.
As part of our EXPERTS input "Challenge Leadership", we would like to shed light on this topic together with EXPERTS and best practice examples directly from companies and present possible approaches to mastering it as well as offer a stage for direct exchange with company representatives and EXPERTS.
The EXPERTS Input will be held in German.
The following EXPERTS will introduce you to the topic and will be available for joint discussion:
- Erika Fimpel, Human Resources, OMICRON electronics GmbH
- Michael Daurer, HR-Management & HR Development Projectleader, Resch & Frisch Holding
- N.N. AIMS International Germany GmbH
- Myriam Callegarin, Global Executive Coach, Consultant and intercultural trainer, ti communication GmbH
- Anna Corbett, Business consultant and intercultural trainer, ti communication GmbH