Adrienne Rubatos grew up in Romania/Transylvania and has lived in Germany since 1980. The qualified graduate engineer (T.U. Munich, part of her studies in Temeswar, Romania) and executive MBA (Master of Business Administration, Henley Management College, England) has many years of experience in management (incl. marketing, sales, project management) at the international technology market, where she worked as a global key account manager at a renowned German company. Moreover, Adrienne Rubatos has many years of experience in intercultural consultancy and as a trainer. In particular, she consults western companies transferring and setting up in Romania, Hungary or Eastern Europe through professional intercultural preparation and support as well as culture-conform human resources development and management programs. She is a certified intercultural- and systemic business coach, too. Adrienne Rubatos has worked for many companies from a variety of different branches (e.g. car and chemicals branches, lighting industry, IT, IT services, energy, mobile communication, electronics etc.) as well as for different chambers of commerce, universities, governmental departments and NGOs. She works with ti communication as a freelance trainer.