Hardly any other country is associated with so many stereotypes as Italy, one of Germany’s most important trading partners. The geographical proximity of the popular destination […]
Thailand is the second-largest economy in Southeast Asia and the only country in the region that has never been colonized. Buddhism as the predominant religion has […]
French-Chinese project teams encounter many cultural misunderstandings though they could collaborate more smoothly when focusing on shared values, business practices and understandings. Our intercultural business training […]
Daily collaboration with different locations has long been a part of everyday work for many specialists and managers. Since last year, they have also been working […]
Since years, China is Germany’s largest trading partner. Often the German knowledge about China is still limited and biased by media coverage and individual projections about […]
According to surveys, German companies have particular difficulties working with two countries. In Europe, France is at the top of the list and causes numerous misunderstandings […]
The Arab region is often considered a “difficult” region for German businessmen, where Islam demands many restrictions from the people. Many differences and priorities shape and […]